Whoever you are, and wherever you are on life's journey,
you are welcome here!
Whether you are a child, youth, adult or elder,
you are welcome here!
Whatever your ethnic origin or language;
sexual orientation or gender identity;
religious tradition or theological position;
whatever your economic status or political persuasion,
you are welcome here!
If you are differently abled, you are welcome here!
If you are spiritually weary and in need of rest,
if you are mourning a deep loss in your life,
if you are skeptical;
if you have been hurt by religion, if you have questions,
if you come full of doubts or confidence, joy or sorrow,
you are welcome here because you are God's creation,
and God's Welcome is wide!
You are welcome in this place - just as you are.
Rev. Kathi Phillips and the entire Congregation
The Leadership Circle made the decision in accordance with Ontario Public Health Guidelines to remove mandatory masks. This gives all individuals the choice of wearing a mask or not. People at higher risk for severe illness are encouraged to wear a mask.
Please do not come to church if you or someone in your household is symptomatic even with one symptom or has tested positive on a Covid 19 rapid test or PCR or if anyone has the flu or a cold.
This, an alternative worship service, has also been known as “Prayers and Communion”, and it is a brief, intimate service that is more interactive and less structured than the Sunday service. There is an opportunity for discussion, shared prayers, and the option of communion each week.
to be a Spirit-filled congregation: diverse, inclusive and engaged with the community and creation.
to offer opportunities for people of all backgrounds, social situations, sexual orientations and gender identities, to experience the love of God through Jesus Christ.
We believe God welcomes all people of whatever age, race, religious background, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic condition, and mental or physical ability.
The Great Commandment of Jesus is foundational to our life together: "to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbour as ourselves."
. . . Read More
We invite you to be part of this faith community which seeks to live in the Spirit as companions and friends of Jesus Christ
On Sunday, January 29th, EMUC celebrated becoming an Affirming Ministry. Visiting speakers/ministers were Rev. Joanne Hedge and Rev. Ettienne LeSage. Special music was provided by The Singing Out Choir from Toronto. A lunch followed. A great celebration indeed!
Office Hours::
Monday: 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Tuesday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
(Closed for lunch from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm)
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