Babies, Toddlers and EMU Club

Babies, Toddlers and EMU Club

Babies, Toddlers & EMU Club

A separate space in the sanctuary is set up with quiet activities to engage the young ones, who can partake of them with the security of having a parent nearby. This model allows the adults to be present in the worship space while children gain some exposure to the worship experience.le to the pulpit which is referred to as ‘the little entrance’ in the service.


A diaper changing table is available in the wheelchair-accessible washroom on the main floor just through the doors near the coffee area.



A room adjoining the worship space is provided for parents with restless infants and children. It offers a view of the sanctuary and with audio provided from the service. Although not sound-proof, the room limits noise and provides a place for children to participate in quiet activities.


EMU Club

EMU Club offers Christian education for children ages 3 to 8 years. Our story-based curriculum “One Room Sunday School” explores the major stories of the Bible. Children engage the stories in age-appropriate ways: through arts and crafts, music, story-telling and games. The program provides a take-home activity so that learning continues at home. Our goal is to help children experience God in the Bible story, explore God’s presence in their own lives and in the world.

Before going to EMU Club during the service, children participate by offering to carry the Bible to the pulpit which is referred to as ‘the little entrance’ in the service.

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